jeudi 10 janvier 2008

Falling from the sky, landing on snow.....

Diana just got selected to be part of the national sky-diving team of Romania. She went to find out today about the rest of the team and discovered other girls to be "animals"...
So, back to the gym with a personal trainer and serious "mise en condition" in perspective...
Jumping off airplanes is the most natural thing to do for this beauty...

if you read romanian here she is

3 commentaires:

Anonymous a dit…

Shes great! I love her eyes, her laugh, her body...all! (her breasts...) Beauty is shining through her!

Bravo Pierre!

Bravo Diana!

Anonymous a dit…

Da, intr-adevar frumos! arta cu adevarat,frumusete,mister...

Ma bucur de existenta acestu blog,multumim Pierre!

Pierre Crié a dit…

thanks dear unsigned readers